Look to your authorized Sign·Foam distributor for everything you need to be inspired and successful creating dimensional signage and environmental displays with this versatile, predictable, easy-to-work-with medium.
All of our distributors offer Sign·Foam3 in standard sheet sizes and custom thicknesses, as well as the full line of companion products: primer, adhesives, fillers, coatings and textures. They're here to help you take artistic expression to new dimensions.
Sign·Foam is the ideal, enduring substrate for 3-D signs and displays. It delivers exceptional versatility and outstanding value.

Grain·Fraim is a specially engineered sandblasting screen for Sign·Foam3 that makes it easy to replicate a natural wood grain.

Dura·Caps Post Tops
Dura·Caps are long-lasting, decorative post-top finials with a smooth and consistent surface made of solid Sign·Foam material.

Signmaking Handbooks
Learn the ins and outs of the dimensional sign making business from the leading Sign·Foam practitioners.